[How-to] Link out to your donation tiers

How to create a link to each of your donation tiers to facilitate donation flow


  • A published fundraising page with donation tiers

  • Your outbound email communication to donors

To take your online fundraising to the next level, try inserting hyperlinks into your outgoing emails to donors that direct them to different donation levels. Donation amounts can be set in advance in this way, so all the donor has to do is click the link and follow the prompts to finish the transaction.

Here's how you can easily do it:

  1. Head over to your published fundraising page (here's an example) and hover over the donation tier you want to hyperlink to.

  2. Right-click the donation tier, and select "Copy Link" from the right-click menu options, as shown below:

3. Use the link that you copied to hyperlink the text in your outgoing email.

4. Do the same for the rest of the donation tiers you would like to hyperlink to.

When your donor clicks the link, it will take them straight to the donation form with the amount preselected, as shown below. And your donor can go through the rest of the prompts to complete his or her donation.